Friday, June 17, 2011

Creation Care Kids' Camp, June 13-16, 2011

Week two of Creation Care Camp is completed. This week we had 14 campers grades 1st to 4th as well as 4 sixth grade camper/helpers. Like last week we started the week off with an epic geology hike. In addition to learning about the dynamic shaping of our earth we saw two ginormous gopher snakes (4-5 feet long each!). We also came upon a gopher that had been dropped from the sky by a hawk who circled above warning us to stay away from his lunch. Day two started off with us learning about sustainable lifestyles and ended with a visit from Dr. Mike Caterino, Curator of Entomology from the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. We netted insects galore and Megan caught a California King snake for all of us to touch. On day three we studied botany. We spent the morning hiking the hillside trail and learning about native plants and their usefulness to the Santa Barbara Chumash. During our snack time Tima once again shared with us several of her Chumash creations made from the plants we saw along our hike. Incredible! Afterwards Farmer Emiko, our interns Wally and Kayla, and volunteer Makenzie helped the kids plant pumpkins for a future harvest party in October (more about this as we get closer to October), as well as beans to take home in Be Green Packaging cups made from compostable bullrush - just stick the cups in the ground and water! And day four we learned about everything bird! We were again blessed to have Mark Holmgren lead us on a bird outing along the Atascadero Creek area of the San Marcos Foothills Preserve Park. We saw and heard Wrentits, Bushtits, Spotted Towhees, Band Tailed Pigeons, White Tailed Kites, Red Shouldered Hawks, and Turkey Vultures to name a few. We then met in one of the classrooms of Santa Barbara Community Church for a visit by Gabriele Drozdowski and Sarah Jane Robertson of Eyes in the Sky. Sarah Jane shared "Kachina" an American Kestrel, and Gabriele shared "Max" the Great Horned Owl. These are rescued raptors. How cool was that? We got to see and listen to these two beautiful birds up close and personal!

Don't forget that on Wednesday, June 22nd, all campers and their families are invited to our Astronomy evening at the farm beginning at 8:00 pm. Please come prepared to look at the planets and stars with the Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit, take a night hike, and maybe be visited by some of our nocturnal residents! We'll supply the hot cocoa, coffee and tea. We ask that each family bring a finger food dessert to share - potluck style! The skies should be clear for an evening of great viewing and fun!

We are looking forward to next week's campers beginning on Monday!

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