Thursday, December 15, 2011

Meet Kate Gabriel: We have a new Parsnip Mage

~ Kate, Sunshine, and Emiko ~
Kate and her husband Joe hale from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. So the big “W” you see on everything they wear has everything to do with Wisconsin and very little to do with Santa Barbara's Westmont College. They are both über athletes and love the outdoors. They moved here to spend more time with Kate’s grandma who lives in town and her sister who attends Westmont, and now they are “hooked” and want to stay for a while. Kate majored in biology and has done work in environmental science including a stint at a botanic garden and is interested in learning more about our food system and farming. She comes at a time when both Emiko and I have been looking for ways to improve the working environment of the farm: the work is difficult and it can get lonely at times. Kate brings a perfect combination of joy, friendship, and strength to the tasks of the farm. She’s just what Emiko needed. We have tried giving her an official title like “Farm Apprentice” or “Work Crew Boss.” Sarah Jane decided she needed the title “Arugula Slayer” which led Sam to come up with “Parsnip Mage.” I’m not sure how we drifted into fantasy gaming themes… But for now, we have decided to just refer to her as Kate the Great!

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